Parabolic flights are an essential means of access to microgravity, along with free-fall towers, sounding rockets, recoverable capsules, space shuttles and orbital stations. Initially used for medical research and astronaut training, parabolic flights are now increasingly used for scientific experiments in all fields and for technological testing of space equipment. The simplicity of preparation and operations, the reduced cost, the repetition of microgravity phases and the possibility offered to researchers on board to intervene directly on their experiments are clear advantages compared with other microgravity platforms.

Novespace, a subsidiary of the Centre National d’Études Spatiales (CNES), has organised more than 127 parabolic flight missions since its creation, successively on board NASA’s KC-135, the Caravelle ZERO-G, the A300 ZERO-G and today the A310 ZERO-G.

Novespace owns the A310 ZERO-G and manages and markets the Parabolic Flight Missions. The CNES and the ESA (European Space Agency), promoters of the programme, finance the heavy maintenance of the aircraft. Aircraft maintenance is provided by Sabena Technics, flight operations by Novespace.

For more information, please contact your Novespace contact: Frédéric Gai.

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