
The GDR MFA is structured around six scientific themes:

Each theme has a representative on the GDR’s scientific council.

GDR MFA Scientific Council for the period 2021-2025

  • Its role is to conduct ongoing discussions on scientific activities related to microgravity within the GdR, to encourage the arrival of new research teams and new themes, and to validate decisions such as :
  • providing financial support for the organisation of an event (thematic workshop, meeting, conference, etc.)
    awarding the GdR prize for research in ‘μ-weightlessness’.



GDR themes

Members of the Scientific Committee

Catherine Colin Director of GDR

Guillaume Legros Assistant director of GDR

  • Theme 1 : Solidification and crystalline growth

Henri Nguyen-Thi

  • Theme 2 : Instability, turbulence, convection Bénard, Marangoni

Stephan Fauve

Innocent Mutabazi

  •   Theme 3 : Combustion, Reactive media

Christian Chauveau

  • Theme 4 : Fluid/solid interfaces, boiling, condensation, bubbles, drops

David Brutin et Vadim Nikolayev

  • Theme 5 : Foams, emulsions, suspensions, gels

Mickael Antoni

  •    Theme 6 : Granular media, biomimetic objects

Lionel Bureau

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